Inside: Learn about why I am doing a reading challenge this year and the 12 books I have chosen.

Check out the 12 books I plan to read for the 2018 reading challenge. I also give tips for how to make a reading challenge successful for you!

Growing up I was NOT one of those bookworms curled up on a couch or under the covers with a book and a flashlight.

Don’t get me wrong, I liked books and the stories they contained, but I felt like it took me forever to get through a chapter book and I could never keep up with my friends.

In high school and college I gravitated towards the more math and science-based classes and told myself I wasn’t a good reader and didn’t like reading.

Fast forward to a couple of years after my son was born.  I decided that I wanted to stop spending my free time scrolling through social media.  I don’t remember exactly why, but I decided that I wanted to start reading!  So I set a goal to read 10 books that year, and ended up reading 21!

And with a few good books, I realized that I actually liked to read!  I am still a slow reader, but I am getting better. 🙂  I also realized when I read books that I pick and enjoy, it’s not about how fast or slow I am.  It’s really about enjoying the story and quiet time to myself.

To learn about the reading challenge I am doing this year, keep scrolling!

Check out the 12 books I plan to read for the 2018 reading challenge. I also give tips for how to make a reading challenge successful for you!

Why I am doing a reading challenge

To help me broaden my horizons a bit I decided to participate in the Goodreads reading challenge in 2017.  You are supposed to read 52 books that fit into different genres and topics they choose.  I didn’t make it very far…but I did read several books outside of my comfort zone!

I quickly realized that 52 books was more than I could handle and I frequently wanted to read books outside of the chosen prompts.  This particular challenge was too restricting for me.

This year I decided to do a smaller reading challenge over on the Modern Mrs. Darcy blog. This challenge only has 12 prompts!  It will still get me to read outside of my normal genres but I won’t feel like all the books I read this year have to fit into the challenge.  That is the plan anyways!

How to make a reading challenge work for you

1. Commit to a reading challenge

There are tons of different challenges around the web.  If you do a google or Pinterest search you’ll find several that may fit your interests.  This article has a ton of options to choose from!  Or you can just make up your own!

2. Choose good books

Like I mentioned above, one of the reasons I kept reading was because I actually liked what I was reading.  I will often go to the Modern Mrs. Darcy site for recommendations and I don’t think she has steered me wrong yet!  The important thing is to find someone with similar taste as you!  I also learned that it’s totally ok to give up on a book if you are not into it.  There are way too many good books out there to worry about finishing one you don’t like.

2. Make time to read

This will be unique to everyone, but I try to read a little bit each day.  I read mostly on my kindle app so it’s easy to have lots of books with me at any time.  If I get burned out on a particular book, I will switch it up.  This way I don’t feel like I have to stop reading altogether.

Another thing I do to fit in more reading is listen to audio books.  You can get two free audiobooks just for trying out Audible today.

3. Keep track

I use goodreads to track my reading but you could use your bullet journal, Evernote, an Excel sheet or just a piece of paper!  I find that it helps me to have a record to look back on and to recommend books to others.

4. Celebrate!

As with any goal it’s important to reward yourself!

Check out the 12 books I plan to read for the 2018 reading challenge. I also give tips for how to make a reading challenge successful for you!

12 books I chose for this year’s reading challenge

>> Make sure to bookmark this page because I will update this post as I read the books on this list.

  • A classic you’ve been meaning to read: 
    • The Enchanted April
    • Done! I struggle with reading classics. Between the language and style of writing, I am not used to reading classic books! But I am glad I chose to read this book. It was not too long and had an interesting story. I recommend this book if you are looking for a classic.
  • Book recommended by someone with great taste:
  • Book in translation:
  • A book nominated for an award in 2018:
    • TBD
  • Poetry, a play or essay collection:
  • Book you can read in a day:

Your life is yours to edit in a way that reflects what matters most to you.  What will your real first step be?

See all the books I read this year on goodreads!

For More Great Books

Read this article: 10+ Popular Books That Will Inspire Simple Living and Minimalism

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Follow along with my reading journey this year

If you are interested in hearing more about the books I read this year, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter.  I’ll also send you one of our simple living freebies as a thank you!



Do you plan to read any books this year? Are you doing any kind of reading challenge?

I would love for you to share in the comments below. 🙂

Check out the 12 books I plan to read for the 2018 reading challenge. I also give tips for how to make a reading challenge successful for you!

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links.

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