Inside: Learn 5 tips to use natural elements to simplify your space and create a more mindful home.

Create a mindful home using natural elements such as furniture, plants, and drapes.

Mindfulness is becoming more and more important for busy moms and dads. The task list seems never-ending and it seems like we have more than ever on our agenda. Practicing mindfulness during our everyday life is one way to bring more presence and calm into our days. Another way to think about mindfulness is our physical environment. Is our home promoting mindfulness, or actually detracting from it?

We are learning that clutter is distracting and affects how well we focus on the task at hand. But did you know the furniture and colors and floors that we choose also play a part in how mindful we are? I didn’t until I read this week’s guest post!

Ruby Clarkson is sharing 5 ways that we can use natural materials and methods to simplify our space and create a more mindful home. I hope you enjoy the post!

Let us know in the comments which tip you are going to try in your own home!

5 Ways to Create a More Mindful Home Using Natural Elements

Mindfulness is described as being aware of the present moment and the feelings, thoughts, and sensations you’re experiencing at the time. By focusing on one thing at a time and accepting the moment, you improve your overall sense of wellbeing, but you can also reduce pain, improve your sleep habits and boost your intestinal health.

Being mindful has also shown benefits as part of a treatment plan for depression, eating disorders, anxiety, substance abuse, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

With that in mind, creating a mindful space at home should be a priority.

Here’s how it can be done. 

Create a mindful home using natural elements such as furniture, plants, and drapes.

Mindfulness In the Kitchen

It’s fair to say that the hub of most homes is the kitchen. According to Stonehouse, ‘the kitchen is the most important room in your house because it is the room where you live.’  It’s where you prepare meals for yourself and your family and it’s likely where you gather to share your day and relax.

For that reason, mindfulness is especially important in the kitchen.

There are several ways to create this mindful space but start with simplifying it. Bring in natural materials for furniture, cabinets, and countertops. Clean lines set the perfect backdrop for mindfulness so keep that in mind when choosing furniture, drapes, and decor.

Choose to enhance the space not clutter or distract from it.

Bring Nature into Your Home

You know the peaceful and centered feeling that you get when you’re out in nature, a place where you have an easier time focusing inward, accepting the moment and staying tuned in to how you’re feeling. If you want a mindful home, it makes sense to simulate those feelings by bringing the outdoors inside.

Placing houseplants throughout your home is a great way to mimic the great outdoors. Scatter vases of wildflowers around your space and start an herb garden in your kitchen. Display rocks and shells that you’ve collected from outside. Natural wood furniture and wall art depicting outdoor scenes are also great ideas. 

Declutter and Get Organized

It’s very hard to stay centered when your space is messy and cluttered. Instead of being able to tune into the moment, all you can focus on is the untidiness and that distraction keeps you from being mindful. Clearing out the clutter and getting your home organized is a simple way to build a mindful space, whether in your bedroom, your home office, or the kitchen.

At the same time, keeping up with the dishes and laundry creates a space that allows you to stay mindful instead of being distracted by the heap of things that need to be washed and put away. 

>> FREE Printable Decluttering Checklist <<

Create a mindful home using natural elements such as furniture, plants, and drapes.

Decorate and Arrange Your Space Well

The way you decorate and place your belongings also plays a role in mindfulness. Experts suggest surrounding yourself with natural fibres and soothing colours from nature. Try jute rugs and linen throw pillows. Choose colours you’d find outside, such as soft greens and blues. When you choose wallpaper and bed linens, think about those that invoke nature, such as leaf prints and stone colours. When you select flooring and furniture, choose natural woods.

Fill your home with as much natural light as possible and choose only items that bring you joy. Consider the elements of Feng Shui when decorating, which includes limiting the number of mirrors you have in your space and choosing low minimalist furniture to open up the space and keep it from being too distracting and busy.

Create a Mindful Bedroom

Your bedroom should be a refuge and making it the kind of retreat that promotes mindfulness is ideal for your health, both physical and mental. There are many ways you can create this kind of space and it starts with natural light. Studies show that exposure to natural light can help regulate sleep patterns so be sure you open the curtains in the morning and let the sunshine flood your bedroom.

Make sure your bed is comfortable and that it has the soft linens and pillows you need to get good rest. Learn to sleep when you’re tired to regulate your circadian clock and keep smartphones, tablets, and televisions out of your sleeping space. Their blue light is both distracting and not conducive to good sleep. And, as mentioned above, keep the space free of clutter and decorate it with natural materials in colours and patterns that mimic the great outdoors. 

>> Related Post: Create an Evening Routine That Works for You

Creating a mindful home will bring a lot of benefits into your life and you’re going to love the way that being mindful translates into better health and an improved sense of well-being.

So there’s no better time than the present to get started, don’t you think?

About the author

Ruby Clarkson is a freelance writer with a passion for interior design, art, and nature. When she isn’t writing, she can be found either curled up with a book or scrolling through Pinterest for home inspiration. 

Keep Reading for More Mindful Home Tips

Practice Mindfulness During These 5 Parenting Tasks

30 Simple Mindfulness Activities

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Create a mindful home using natural elements such as furniture, plants, and drapes.

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